Quick Start

What is Maze Guru?

Maze Guru is an Al-powered platform that helps you create amazing works in seconds.

You can explore all its features through the Maze Discord bot or the Maze Web.

Join our Discord server : https://discord.gg/maze-guru-ai-art-anime-social-1007166914801434634

Create your first AI image

Once you begin using our service, you will have the opportunity to create a limited number of images before subscribing. You will receive 12 points per day. If you require additional points, you can purchase our services.

1.Join Maze Discord server

To get started, please register for Discord, log in, and join the Maze Server using the following link: https://discord.gg/maze-guru-ai-art-anime-social-1007166914801434634

2.Navigate to the 'newbies' channel

Select the option "GENERATE AI IMAGES HERE" and proceed to the 'newbies' channel.

3.Utilize the /image command

Begin typing /image, and you will notice a suggestion appear above your text.

Click or tap on the /image option to create a prompt field. Here, you can input your desired instructions for the bot to generate an image, as depicted in the picture below.

4.Wait for the image generation

Wait until the progress reaches 100%. You will receive four images.

5.Select and obtain the original image


The U buttons allow you to view and select the desired image.

Ultra Upscale

By pressing this button, you can obtain higher quality pictures.


Download the image to your local folder.


The V buttons generate slight variations of the selected image. Each variation produces four new images that share the chosen image's overall style and composition.

For better image results, please refer to https://mazeguru.gitbook.io/docs/prompt-guide/prompt-introduction

Use the /share command to showcase your artwork in the showcase channel.

About us

Maze Guru is an AI art generator that creates impressive images from "text to image" , "image to image" or "text to video".

It is user-friendly, supports multiple languages in prompts, and produces high-definition artworks quickly.

Maze Guru is available on Discord and web to meet the needs of different users. Stay up-to-date by subscribing to our newsletter for the latest product information.

Maze Guru caters to both individual and enterprise users, who can create images using our fine-tuned models or customize them with their own works for commercial use.

The copyright of artworks generated by Maze Guru belongs to the user, enabling them to use them commercially in various fields such as product design and visual art.

We have numerous successful commercial cases, including advertising posters, clothing and footwear design, interior decoration, and comic illustration. For inquiries or business collaborations, please contact us at contact@maze.guru.

Our introduction video: https://youtu.be/-IhmP8vRJ14 or


Last updated